Chatting up the guide. (Taken 05-2017)

Scary spiders. These are your first enemies. (Taken 05-2017)

Visiting the town merchant. He buys junk, and sells weapons, armour, arrows, potions. (Taken 05-2017)

Adventuring outside town. (Taken 05-2017)

Battling goblins in Keldrin Mine. These are your second enemies. (taken 05-2017)

Exploring another area. (taken 05-2017)

Testing out some new hats. Taken Febuary 1, 2012.

A little bit of testing for new shapes. Taken January 14, 2012.

A little bit of testing for a new shape. Taken January 12, 2012.

Team vs Team RPG is very popular. Taken January 7, 2012.

A redesigned dungeon. Taken October 26, 2011.

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